Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Only Fair!

Happy Mothers Day to ME!!
or as it works in our family, any large gift goes
towards the closest holiday
if it isn't actually for anything special!!
Ali just recently got a new bike, and I think the real reason I got
a new FULL suspension bike was FRo didn't want any bike that
wasn't specialized in our garage!!! YAh for ME!! I had my Trek
for about 9 years so it was time and I deserve it!!
It is a Specialized Myka

Alis' favorite thing about my bike is that it is the same colors as her bike
Silver, WHite, and a dash of PINK!

Fro and I on my first trail with my new Bike-
Lambert Park in Alpine!
Loved every minute of it,
and I loved I couldn't even feel the rocks
as I went flying down the trail-

My favorite veiw of our bikes-
on the back of our 4-Runner!
It means they are being used,
and that means we are having fun!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Break, and Ali is BORED!!!

Ali was counting down the days till she had 9 consecutive days off!! She was so excited. One thing she loves to do is plan out her day. Which also ends up being my day- but who runs the show around here right!! To all my sisters and friends who laugh at the endless hours I devote to the entertainment of my child I am first to say I am a sucker for my kids!! I love playing with them and if Ali has a plan, I work it into my day-
I get endless grief for it, but it is worth it!!
So as the week approached I told her she could plan ONE activity that she wanted to do a day and One that I wanted to do. That way we both got Our time!!!
See we have a great arrangement!!
So as the week began Ali planned it out as follows:
Monday- Play outside and play tennis and have a picnic lunch-- Done!!
Tuesday - Go swimming at the Legacy Center with her cousins--
We haven't gone swimming as much since our Crypto
incident here a year ago, so I decided it was okay to go,
and get Cam swimming also. My sister Brooke and her kids
came, and we had a great time!!
I kept getting so nervous everytime Cam would
dunk his mouth in the water, or suck on his fingers-
I didn't enjoy crypto, and I am positive he wouldn't either!

He Loved the WAter!!
The plan continues.......
Wednesday- A play day at Kangaroo Zoo with all the cousins--- Done!

We love Kangaroo Zoo, we don't love the kids that pee on the floor
and the parents who act like nothing happened--URGH!!
or the kids with slimy runny noses goobering all over the bouncy toys!
I think I have a germ phobia!
Fro had the day off so he got to come play also,
It was so fun the have him there to play with these guys!

I am no longer the only brunette in the family!!
Where did all the blondes go???
My sisters Brooke and Brittany

Then Thursday we were told about the BYU museum
and the exhibit they have right now. It is the guy
who makes the I- Spy books. They have a display where you can
go see how they are made and play I-Spy with the kids!
I was a little Skeptical if the kids would like it but they really did!

Pictures were forbidden,
but I snuck this before I knew the
No Photo rules!

My cute mom and dad then took us all out
to lunch at the Mall!! That many kids is always
chaotic, but they are always so great to come with us!!
Friday- Was the day we spent at home because Ali
caught something somewhere at one of our many
germ infested adventures, so we spent the day chillin at home
and watching movies!! The theme of the week after getting home
was "Mom I am bored!! I can't believe after all we did, she could
even have the energy to think she was bored!! If this is anything how
the summer is going to be, I am doomed!! It was a fun week though!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Weekend!

Cams first Easter, and Ali kept telling him
all the fun things we got to do, and all
about the Easter Egg hunt, and the Eggs,
and the Easter Baskets you get- she was so excited!
No Easter is complete without coloring Eggs!

Ali was Eating one, and her mouth was full!

Saturday morning we had a Easter Breakfast at my parents
and then they do a big Easter Egg Hunt for all the cousin.
It was pretty rainy, but the kids didn't care.
Every year there are a few special eggs, and Ali found one of
the golden Eggs and was so Excited. She got a special make-up
kit from the Golden Egg- Thanks Heath!

Getting ready for the big Hunt! We were missing Noah and Reed, they
were in Idaho, but we still had a good time. We missed you guys!

The only man in these girls lives- Uncle BUD!!!

My parents were so great and took our kids
for us for a few hours so I could go
mountain biking with my husband and Dan.
We had a great time, and despite
all the rain we had the trail was so fun!
We came back muddy as ever but made
for a great Ride up in Alpine!
Fro also had the day off, and so we took Ali out to
lunch and bowling. We love
days off with Dad! What a fun day!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's HERE!!

So it was officially time......
Ali got her new Specialized Hotrock bike for .......
what holiday is closest-- okay EASTER!!
I tell you any reason for Fro to get a new bike!!
Ali loves it and it fits her so much better,
she rides EVen FASTER@!!! If it is possible!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Artist!

Ali loves drawing, and was learning about art and Piccasso at school. As we were driving home she said she was going to make a "portrait" of Cam and look at him as she drew it. I kept glancing back to see her look at him, then draw on her page, then look back at him again. This is the end result!! My favorite part is she said, " Look mom, I think I really got his big eyes!" Dang Cute!! My little Artist! I think It looks just like Cam except a little on the skinny side!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I love Spring, it is by far my favorite SEASON!! I love everything about it, except the crazy snow we keep getting that is inhibiting Spring!! I have been outside every chance I can get, and I have been LOVING IT!
Ali is getting SO fast on her bike!! Fro says it is time for a new bike!
Any reason to buy a new bike- RIGHT!

Fro playing cars with his "boy"

This is my FAVORITE thing my husband does
with Ali. They ride everywhere, and all the time,
and it makes me smile everytime they ride with no
legs. Are they just the cutest!!!
By the way fro is on his little BMX that is why he
looks like a midget!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday morning Fro called me from work to tell me we got tickets to the Jazz game that night. I didn't have a babysitter lined up yet, and usually the seats we get from his work are left over seats they have- one perk for working for Karl Malone! He told me that the tickets he had were $300 and they would be good!! It kind of made me a little more excited and more motivated to find a baby sitter. We left fros work and headed to get a bite to eat at Village Baker- YUMMY! and headed to the Energy Solutions Arena. We had seats on the 17th row which was way fun. I don't remember a time I ever sat that close. It was awesome to actually see what was going on and all the behind the scenes stuff you don't get to see clear up in the upper bowl.

The thing that amazed me was looking at the roster of players. I think of myself as pretty young , but then it hit me as I looked at all the players and their ages and realized that there were only 2 that were older than me and the rest were born in the 80's to Kofous being born in '89. Okur was born the same year as me, and Boozer who I thought was way older than I am was born in '81. Yeah I think it might be the heigth or the bigger muscles, but I had NO idea they were all so young. Crazy! Here they are in their early twenties, some of them, making a TON of Money!! I had NO idea!!

The game was awesome, there were some great shots, and the game stayed really close, which is always awesome. Although we lost in the last few seconds by 1 point, it was still fun just being out on the town with Fro. Thanks Babe, I love our date nights!