Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hula for Mula!

My little Brother Briant turned 24!!
and in leui of gifts, my mom decided
to make him hula for money! That way
he could save for his upcoming wedding.
So we strapped baskets, cups, pails, bowls
whatever to him and made him dance!!
The kids loved throwing pennies, quarters,
dollar bills, you name it at him.
We then got to throw water balloons at him.
For every water balloon he caught he got a dollar!
He ended up with $20 bucks from the water balloons
- not to shabby!!
It was a fun night, and i think he ended up with
a wad of MULA!!
Happy 24th Buddy!!

1 comment:

Kevin + Marcy said...

Okay, how the heck does your family think of all these things?! You guys are one of the most creative, most fun families I've met. Will you write me a book of all the fun, nontraditional things you do so we can copy? Thanks!