Saturday, October 17, 2009


I have officially arrived!!!!
At the age when your child keeps you constantly running-- . I don't sit to eat anymore out in public. I am never fully in a conversation if Cam is on the loose, my mind is watching his little steps off a curb, or in front of a car, or as last week went- drinking water from the gutter, and splashing his fingers in the mens urinal- Not good!! He finds adventure anywhere he goes, and loves making me chase after him.

I sure better get some kind of calorie burning from all the run around!!
but even as I cringe at the wet fingers in the urinal I have to be glad I have the little guy
the make me laugh!!


Hollie said...

Ahh, boys are great.

Raising Helm said...

He cracks me up! I still can't believe how much bigger he is than Jamison. I feel as though we are in for an extra special treat with these two boys. love ya!

Krystal said...

Welcome to the world of endless messes and fun! I'm sure you love it. All moms do. I'm feeling it this time around only it's with my little princess. Trey was never like that. So enjoy! He does make it hard to get mad with a face that cute!

Catherine said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one running after my one year old!!! Holy cow! Madi is on the move every minute that she is awake!! I just keep telling myself to enjoy it becuase "this too shall pass!"