Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Loves!!

Cam does so many things that I love, but

I had to capture the few things he does now

that i LOVE.....

First off is his bum- Seriously so cute.

He loves sitting in the tub until all the water is gone.

He loves Laughing. At anything-- except Lindsay

when she is taking his pictures!!

when he plays peek a boo or does something funny, he

covers his face like this. It is so funny- and he laughs!

If he sees the camera at all- this is the face he now

uses to pose for it- we call it the big Cheese!!

Love Him!!
and of course i love Ali too, she just wasn't
in any of these photos- I will post one of just my ALI!!

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

Oh he is cute! naked pictures? just wait- I will have to dress him up like a girly and take a nice picture. Aw so cute!