Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So the excitement for us around our house has been DISNEYLAND!! My family started planning a trip with the whole family last year- long before i knew i was pregnant. So when Cam came along and i realized he would be three months old in Disneyland i was a little nervous. But thanks to many friends and family telling me this is the best time i took the chance. Despite having to stop every three hours for feedings (which was actually a great break from the heat and people) the whole experience was Great!! It was Alis first time to Disneyland and she got to experience it with her best buds in the world, her two cousins, Madi and Kate. The highlight for them was of course the Princess Dinner! It costs a bit, but the girls LOVED it. The princesses come to your table and chat and sign books and take pictures and i am sure a lot of other stuff- but i happened to plan horribly and had to leave to feed cam- that was the only downer of the whole trip. Disneyland was a great Trip and the stroller pass is the only way to go- thanks for the tip CHeryl!

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