Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's Only Fair!

Happy Mothers Day to ME!!
or as it works in our family, any large gift goes
towards the closest holiday
if it isn't actually for anything special!!
Ali just recently got a new bike, and I think the real reason I got
a new FULL suspension bike was FRo didn't want any bike that
wasn't specialized in our garage!!! YAh for ME!! I had my Trek
for about 9 years so it was time and I deserve it!!
It is a Specialized Myka

Alis' favorite thing about my bike is that it is the same colors as her bike
Silver, WHite, and a dash of PINK!

Fro and I on my first trail with my new Bike-
Lambert Park in Alpine!
Loved every minute of it,
and I loved I couldn't even feel the rocks
as I went flying down the trail-

My favorite veiw of our bikes-
on the back of our 4-Runner!
It means they are being used,
and that means we are having fun!


Hollie said...

Oh lucky you little girl! Can't understand why you like going down a mountain at high speeds on a bike, but at least your happy.

Krystal said...

Now that is a sweet Mothers day for you! How cute that the whole family has bikes. I mean I should of know!!! How cute that it has Pink. So does Ali think you two need to be riding all the time now?

Raising Helm said...

"Dash of pink"? Mothers day? "Flying"? What is this? I love your photo shoot...just you and your bike-bigger than you of course. I am glad you had fun, and yes, YOU DESERVE EVERY BIT OF IT, PINK AND ALL!!! YEA FOR YOU!!! Everyone needs atleast two bikes, ha ha ha well atleast the Derricks-love ya