I just thought I would update my current statis with my whole CRAPPY back fiasco!
Yesterday I finally got in for my long awaited, and definately way overdue MRI. I am seriously so sick of doctors right now it isn't funny. I have finally decided to stop going from physical therapist, to psyiatrist, to decompression specialist, chiropractor, herbalogist,Orthopedic specialist etc. etc. etc.!! So the official end result is I have 2 buldged discs that have tears in them and one other disc my S1 that is "herniated and then some" as the doctor put it. It is bulged/blown out and penetrating into the spinal region and that is why it is taking forever to heal. It is also the culprit as i already knew of the dang leg pain I have had. The next step is some epidural injections into my back of cortizone!! I am pretty excited about kicking off my holiday with that!! But at least I know there really is something wrong with me and I haven't been laying around all this time for nothing!! I am doing better, and thanks to EVERYONE who has called and brought food, and worried as to what the heck is wrong with me. I appreciate it more than you know!!And Fro appreciates it too!!
Oh I am so sorry about your back. I hope things will get better soon. I can not believe all the herniated discs and bulging disc. I bet is nice to know something is wrong and that you aren't just crazy )
Does this mean you'll need surgery? Christie Paulsen had gotten the cortizone shots which ended up doing very little for her. But she found an excellent surgeon (if you end up needing a recommendation). Hope your pain will be eased soon and you'll be able to find a solution! Let me know if you need anything!!
Finally I can stop calling you a faker! ha ha ha-I'm not that rude. I am glad that you were able to get a visual of what the problem is and a definition. Good luck with the shots. I really love you and hope you are doing better. You seem to walk a tiny bit taller. xoxo
I'm so sorry you've been miserable. I hope the shots work!
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