Monday, January 23, 2012

Finally after 3 years of asking

Since ali was 5 she has asked for a telescope for Christmas and birthdays. I kept thinking she was just going to grow out of it. But then again it hit the list, and another year later still there. I thought it was so funny because what 5 year old GIRL asks for a telescope. Well my 5 year old. I knew she was to little to really enjoy it but this year it moved from top 10 wants to TOP want. So I finally broke down and got her what she wanted.
There is nothing worse than getting a new toy or gadget for christmas and it won't work. Well that was the problem we were having. Fro took it out and couldn't see a thing. After a few days he finally tweeked a few things and changed out a few lenses and BOOM!!
What we saw was the clearest, most beautiful view of the moon. You could see all the craters and everything was in such fine detail. We were so excited and when it was Alis turn to look she said, " Wow mom there is neil armstrongs feet prints and the american flag!"
Pretty sure we had a good view but I didn't get the luck to see that!! She has enjoyed seeing the sky from a different perspective and even jupiter and 3 of it's moons. It is amazing to me how kids come so programmed with what they do and don't love. She has always found space fascinating.

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

She is brilliant! I hope to see her on the moon:) She's going places (as long as your there and she doesn't have to leave home) ha ha ha j/k