My little buzz is officially THREE!! He was so excited this year to be three, but even more to have his own BUZZ LIGHTYEAR party. He had been talking about it for weeks. All he wanted for his birthday was a "big buzz lightyear!" So that is exactly what he got! and then a whole lot of other stuff!
We had a fun party with all the cousins and uncles, and Cam was a little overwhelmed at first, and then as the party progressed he had a little more fun. It is hard for these kids to have ALL the attention!
We had buzz cupcakes, and played hot buzz ball, and find the scattered army men. Cam had a lot of fun and i am so glad he has so many fun cousins to celebrate it with!
Cam is a big kid for his age, at his 3 year old checkup he is over 90% in height and weight. He weighed in at 37 lbs and the doctor was amazed at just how solid he is!
He loves.....
Pizza, not eating anything i make, TREATS, TREATS, and more TREATS. He sneaks to the treat cupboard whenever he can. He loves cars, trains and anything BUZZ lightyear or woody. He loves lint and it makes me laugh constantly at how perceptive he is to any tiny piece of lint! He makes us laugh and loves calling people random funny names like- stinky pete. He loves playing outside-anything outside! and loves movies. He still takes a 2 hour nap everyday- it is wonderful!! He loves bikes, dirt and staying up late with mom and dad! He loves Me and it makes me smile anytime he tells me I am the best mom!! I know he is mine for so many reasons and he teaches me, loves me and makes me frustrated all at the same time!!
Cam I love you so much and i could not imagine life without your tight squeezes, warm tickles and dark brown eyes!!
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