Friday, March 27, 2009

Alis' "Fake" Birthday!

Since Ali has a summer birthday, she was getting really nervous that she wouldn't get to be the "STAR ATTRACTION" at school. When ever they have a birthday their mom gets to come and bring treats and talk all about them. Ali got the news on monday that her "fake" birthday would be on wednesday, and she was all SMILES!! She was so excited to tell everyone about her!
She had to list her favorite things, and dislikes, and this is what she came up with.....
She likes: movies, and reading, and riding bikes, and playing with her mom,dad, and cam.
Her favorite food is CHILI which she would eat daily if I let her.
Her favorite color is Purple and Pink
She Hates Peanuts, needles, spiders, and bugs ( she screams bloody murder if she sees an ant-seriously)
She wants to be a nurse who gives shots that don't hurt when she grows up.
Her favorite books are little critter books
She LOVES her brother Cam, and wanted everyone to know she sleeps with the same blanket she has since she was little- her POOH blanket. She cut her long hair off to donate it to Locks of love.

She had a great time having me tell everyone about her. She was so excited!! She brought one of her favorite treats- DING DONGs and they were a hit!! Happy FAke b-day Ali gator!


Raising Helm said...

Happy birthday in the middle of your year Ali. We could start some new tradition in the family? well it might get a little over board actually. never mind...I love all the likes and dislikes- can I add her favorite aunt? yes that would be me. I'll will get a hug some day. She's a cutie!

Jen said...

I remember seeing on the news a couple years ago that someone in Japan invented a needle that is so thin that you can't feel it! Maybe those will be common all around by the time Ali becomes a nurse. :)