Friday, June 5, 2009

Nothing keeps him down!

On Tuesday Cam had a little "fall" as I will call it. He was obviously not being
watched as closely as he needed to be and the split second I turned around, he made a dive out of his HIGHCHAIR! I turned just in time to see his body blurr to the ground. I quickly ran over to him and could NOT tell where he hit, or what he hit, or if any damage was done. I noticed one huge mark down the side of his face, and teeth marks in two of his fingers, but that was it. He was crying and crying and I decided to take him and put him in the bath because he usually calms down in the bath. As I started to take his pants off I noticed the site where he had his immunization the day before was TOTALLY swollen and looked like elephantitis- not kidding!!
It was so swollen and his muscle was so tight. I figured that was why the poor little guy was so ticked off. He didn't seem to enjoy the bath so I took him out. After much effort to sooth him I finally got him to sleep. I was so worried about his leg and figured out that he was just having a LOT of pain from his shot.
As the day progressed I noticed he wasn't crawling at all. I felt so bad to think his little leg was hurting him so bad. I kept a good eye on it and it seemed to be getting better- RELIEF!!
He still wouldn't crawl and he was still really whiney and kept falling over. I even joked with one of my friends that it was because of his big head that he kept falling over. (The doctor just re-affirmed that his head is pretty impressive- still in the 90th percentile with a 50% body!! you got to love it!!)
So here is my little guy struggling all day and I was concerned maybe his leg got injured in the fall. When Fro got home I was hurrying to get to mutual and mentioned that he fell and could have hurt his LEG in the fall. He looked at Cam (who for he first time was attempting to crawl) and said, "Um Kris, I am pretty sure he probably hurt his arm." I looked over to see him trying to crawl with one Arm~!!!! I hadn't even noticed his arm!!!

Need less to say, He BROKE 2 bones in his ARM
and Not his LEG!!!
I am an awesome mom, and felt even better explaining
the situation a day latterand hadn't even realized he
wouldn't use his arm!!!
His reaction once I finally realized the poor guy really was in pain!
Alis' response was," Poor Cam, but now we can park Handicap!!"


Hollie said...

Oh my gosh! Poor little guy. I didn't think they could break bones yet. This little guy is giving you a run for your money. Burns, broken arms, that's a boy for you. It calms down once they hit 3 (at least it did for Drew).

Raising Helm said...

HA HA HA-Calms down? What is Hollie feeding that kid? ha ha j/k
Poor little Cam-he is a trooper. I can still see that little guy trying to crawl AH MAN! I am so glad you remembered the handicap comment-that was hilarious. Cam is definitely keeping you on your toes. What a little cutie patootie!

Catherine said...

WOW! I'm glad to hear that I am not the only contestant this year for the "Mother of the year" award! :) Sounds like a lot of fun!