Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day 2010-

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Every Memorial Day it seems like there is a Down hill bike race, and this year was no exception. We were lucky because it happened to be up at Sundace, and that is one of my favorite races of the year. It is beautiful there and there are Trees and streams, and places for my kids to ride their bikes. This year we were SUPER lucky to have 3 of Fros brothers come up. Ben, Nick and Al all came to support Fro in his first DH race of the season, and more importantly came to keep me saine by helping watch my kids for the day. It really was a huge blessing because by about 11 they are bored with me and we are trying to make the day great. This year it was no problem we played games in between races, we played by the water, saw the fish, had a few photo shoots, kicked the ball, played red rover with Mikes kids, rode bikes,and managed to fit the races in between. Fro has been riding a lot at the skate parks on his BMX so I wasn't really sure how well he would do this year. To my amazment he shaved a whole minute off his time from last year!!! That is not easy to do, so the bike park really has helped!! His time from going from the top of Sundance to the bottom was 4:18. He ended up in third, which was awesome and a bummer because the first place rider got 4:14 and the second place rider got 4:17,so they were all so close. It was some good competition, and a lot of fun!!


Raising Helm said...

Glad to know you were playing some red rover and games like last year. You are such a trooper, and your little ones of course. Way to go Fro!

Mindy said...

Congrats Fro!! That's so awesome! You guys are such a fun family!! Love the cute pics!! Miss you guys!! xoxo