Monday, June 14, 2010

PG Waterfall

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Last Friday for our "Summer of Fun" day we planned to hike up to the Pleasant Grove waterfall. I was a little nervous to take Cam, but my sister re-assured me it wasn't to hard, and he would be fine. So leaving around 10 to beat the 3:00 predicted rain showers we headed up to the waterfall. My mom and dad decided to come along with my sisters, Brittany, her husband, Heather, and her husband ,and me and Brooke. It was a beautiful day and the kids were loving exploring everything.

As we were walking along the trail there were suddenly a lot of youth coming towards us. More and More just kept coming and so I asked what kind of group they were. Come to find out they were having a STAKE youth conference up this trail also!!! How convenient- 150 other people all hiking this trail at the same time!!!
Luckily with Cam we were so slow that they all passed us and it wasn't that big of a deal!!
We discovered that 2 and 3 year olds love climbing on EVERY rock, and so with Christian and Cam we kept a pretty mellow pace. They loved all the rocks and dirt and water!!
The walk wasn't to bad and there was only one steep part at the top that made Cam and Ali a little nervous, and the waterfall was suprisingly big for being in the middle of no where. As we got to the falls there were people repelling down it, and it was loud, and spraying us a little. I think it made Cam a little nervous because for the next 20+ minutes he was hysterical. It was AWESOME!! My dad tried carrying him for me so my back wouldn't hurt, and he wasn't having it at all.
After what felt like forever, he calmed down and my brother in law Johnny took Cam under wing and helped the experience end up on a great note!! We had a great time and the kids all loved it!!

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

so fun! cute pictures! Cam is hilarious by the way. Still picturing him planting his feet in the ground not wanting to budge another step.