Saturday, December 10, 2011

My kids

I feel like I have not updated on my kids lately- so this is my update....
Ali- She is my little 8 year old blessing from heaven. She has just enough sass, and just enough sweet. she is always trying to help and wants to do what is right. She loves music, books and MOVIES.she loves writing stories and making pictures to go with them. If she had a day to do whatever she wanted it would be at home playing a "craft" with mom and watching movies as a family. she loves being home and just having her time. I am not crafty and she is so patient with me to be creative. I love her so much!! I constantly take in all of her hugs and hope that there will NEVER be a day she doesn't give them to me. She is very picky about who she tells she loves and gives hugs to, and it makes me smile bigger when she gives them endlessly to me. She wants to play the violin, which is the first thing she has shown any interest in doing and I am really excited to see how that goes. She has a funny personality and loves telling jokes. But out in the world she is so reserved and a little on the shy side and i love knowing i get to see all of her all the time!! She is a great student and tries so hard at school. She still loves riding bikes and we are bummed the weather is a little to cold to do that everyday. She constantly changes her room around and everyday i go in there something new is out or some stuffed animal has made their way from the basement to have a luxury bed in her room. She is funny and crazy and loves dancing in the family room with me for ever!! I am so proud of the little girl she is and am so grateful for her example to me.

Cam- he is my crazy, full of energy, sass, spunk, and character. He is the never ending facial expression that makes me laugh. The squeeze around the neck right when you need it guy. He is always on the move, but if there is a movie on- bam he is all in. he loves playing. Playing cars, balls, trains, anything! He loves turning on music and dancing his dance moves to it. He loves being outside, and loves riding his big bike! He is in a constant phase of holding his weiner and it is driving me crazy. I hope he grows out of that phase soon!! He says funny phrases like - watch and learn mom, or are you kidding me, or what the..... He is constantly suprising me. We were watching tv and a commercial for a victoria secret tote came on and the girl was dressed but flaunting the bag and when it ended he looked at me and said, "I like that girl!!" YES he is 3!! I am nervous about that!! He loves making us laugh and loves being with his family. He follows me around that i knock him down daily because he is standing right behind me all the time. I love that he crawls on top of me just to get closer. I often feel guilty that he isn't in preschool because he wants to go to preschool so bad. He loves other kids and wants to play any chance he can get. He loves playing with his cousins christian and Jamison and loves when Ali gets to stay home from school. They are best buddies!!- He is such a great blessing to me and makes this family even more fun!!

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

Those are some dang cute kids! you are such a fabulous mom. WOW! btw I just have to say it totally melted me when Ali gave me a hug. I know they are selective, so when you get one, it means something. Atleast to me:)