Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Grade

I am a little behind, and ali started First grade a few weeks ago.
I don't know if it was harder for me or her, but I seriously
am having a hard time with her gone ALL DAY!
I thought it might be a nice break, but in reality, I just
Miss her ALL Day!! The worst part of it all is that
she has already had one sick day, and a whole bunch
of "can't I just stay home today" days!! It is hard
because up until school started she was still taking a
TWO hour nap. So school seriously wipes her out.
I confess I have already gone to lunch with her, and
I also showed up at recess to make sure she had her
inahaler, and pretty much just wanted to say hi. I
am a totall sucker when it comes to my ALI!!
The story behind the bangs, is I hadn't slept in a week because
my awesome back, and she asked if she could have bangs,
and I wasn't in the mood to disagree with this plea, so she
grabbed the scissors, and I cut away!! I couldn't believe my
eyes when i realized what i did. I have never liked bangs, and
here I just gave my daughter a whole bunch!! I was TIRED!!
Luckily she loves them, and I can pull them back, most of the time.

she was first in line, waiting "reverently" to go into class.
She is a later gator, which means she goes to school later,
but has to stay longer at school. I am Not a huge fan!
what ever happened to kids going to school at the
same time. She hates when the early kids get to go home!-
And Cam says OWEEE all day- meaning ALI
it is a long day for him without his sister!


Tanya said...

The bangs are really quite cute:).

Raising Helm said...

Yeah-You are back in action! Ali looks sooo grown up esp. with some sweet bangs. nice job! I had to laugh at the fact that you visit her at school. Oh the excuses. Some day she might be pretending you are not her mom. Sad I know, but really an inheiler? ha ha ha