Friday, September 25, 2009

He keeps me going!

So this last week I keep having those "Where is my child"

Moments. I hate those, they seriously are the worst.

I had to record a few, just for my memories sake and so

when Cam is older I remind him of all the

drama he causes along with all the laughs!!

I have been lucky to have a job where I can usually take him

to work with me. I take him about once a week, and he usually

does awesome. well this week was definately an exception.

I believe he was teething some molars and was not in the

best of spirits and he kept whinning about everything. He is

a little top heavy and kept falling over everything!! He ended

up bashing his head into a cabinet and got a bloody nose.

After that I decided he needed to have a little drink break and

I took him on walk to the drinking fountain. As we were coming

back he was walking along side me as the elevator door opened.

He pointed and I said, "Yep there is the elevator" and i continued

to walk. my office was right there so I went to open the door and

turned around to get Cam and he was GONE!!

Now this elevator is the SLOWEST elevator on earth, and

pure panick came upon me. I was imagining my ONE year

old cruising up and down on the slow elevator by himself.

The door would open and some stranger would find him

chillin by himself. I had no idea where it had gone, and

No idea if I should run up or down, or what to do. Right

as i went to call the elevator back, he popped his little head

out from behind a little wall. He thought

he was pretty funny!! Not funny-
side note,to the rest of the story--- after that
somehow he managed to press a button on the
printer and it started shooting pages upon pages
of paper off the printer. I kept thinking it would stop
but it continued and continued. I looked down at the pages
and realized somehow he manged to command the computer
to print off every clinic schedule from now back to 1999.
Holy Cow!! It took me a little bit to figure out how to cancel that
command, and after a huge sigh of relief, i decided to call it a day!

Yesterday I went shopping with my sister and was

walking Cam and our purchases and my neice to the car.

I stopped to put the bags in the back of the truck and turned

to lift Cam into the truck and once again GONE! I had my

neice (who is 2) and told her not to move while I looked for

Cam. So once again I am in frantic mode as my little man

is wondering in a BUSY parking lot. I looked between all

the cars, and started getting nervous as cars are coming

and going and I can't find him. Then I hear a little

Plop plop, and cam is across the parking lot hanging

out at the water drain. Iwas so relieved and so mad

at the same time. I have tried to teach him not to

leave me, but obviously it isn't sinking in!


Raising Helm said...

HOLY MOLY! he is a maniac but a darling one. I was laughing so hard at that little man at the animal farm. HE WAS EVERYWHERE!!! stretching his little hands out in AW and OH-so stinkin' cute. I can only imagine the drama at work and the luck you have with this little stud. Love the picture! Good luck and Oh...I had this dream about you and you had BABY ha ha ha YOU MUST BE BABY HUNGRY! he he he

Krystal said...

Boy's will be boys!!! I see how you can laugh now, but in the moment it is not so easy. I am trying really hard to enjoy those moments. One day they wont be here. So good job on writing it down and laughing about it! You have such cute kids. I love that picture of him walking. Crazy how fast they grow. Sounds like he keeps you more then busy!

Mindy said...

Kristin!!! He is so adorable!!! Miss you guys!!! xoxo

Hollie said...

That's a boy for you. He'll keep you on your toes for a while Kristin. I can't even count how many times I had to run after Drew (I think you saw me sprint after him once when I was 9+ months prego). It's horrible, the things they do, but then again it adds some spice to your life.