Friday, January 16, 2009

The Race is On!

Cam was born in May, and little Jamison was born 2 months later. Cam has what we like to call a weight condition- He has plenty of it!!! He doesn't like to be on his belly. Jamison came over the other day and was rolling all over the place. We figured it would be inspiration for Cam. It worked temporarily, but the kid is so content in one place. He had no desire to work for movement-It is great for me, then he is always where I put him. But as he watches his little cousins, I think he may try to start getting mobile too!
So lets see who makes that first step towards motion!!
I think Jamison is smart for rolling, Cam looks like he might slug him in the face.

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

What cute boys! I might say that Jamison has a "weight condition" also-just not the same kind as Cam. He is a wee babe but I'm trying. Chub a bub has the lead in toughness but Jamison has it in agility. What a team!