Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is Santa in the Articles of Faith???

My mom has a little competition going with all the grandkids to see who can memorize thier articles of faith. She has a kids treasure chest that they all get to pick prizes out of and it is great motivation for our kids to do things they don't normally do. Well Ali saw a headband that she just had to have and told me about it. I told her if she memorized her Article of Faith then she probably could get it. So on our drive to her house we decided to learn the first article of faith. As she is repeating it over and over again, I asked her if she new what it meant. Her response was," It means that if we didn't believe in Santa or Jesus that we didn't believe in God, and we are one of the bad people." I thought well that is pretty funny. So I further explained the meaning of it, then asked her if she knew what the Holy Ghost is, and her response, "Santa!!!" I think she really wanted Santa to be a part of the Articles of Faith!! She is so funny!


Raising Helm said...

Confusing concepts get me every time. What do you tell your children? Noah still beilieves the Holy Ghost is a ghost that lives in Sunny's green closet in her office. I try to explain it but I think it make take some time. I love my little kiddies!

Mindy said...

That is so funny! Ali is such a little sweetheart! We miss you guys!!