Monday, July 5, 2010

Hoagle ZOO

I have officially learned the trick to Hoagle ZOO!! and for all my friends I will share it with you. Go to the zoo at 4:30!! It is as simple as that!! The park stops admitting people at 5 so honestly it is cooler and there are not very many people there. It was wonderful!! We pretty much had all the animals to ourselves. And the train was almost all ours!!!

Since they stop letting people in at 5 they continue to leave the park open until 6:30, so we had plenty of time to see all the animals and enjoy the less chaos that usually is associated with the crazy zoo!

Cam hadn't been to the zoo yet since he was a tiny baby and he loved it all. He was so excited about everything from the new baby elephant "ZURI" to completely empty cages that he was determined to see something exciting!

the funnest part of the whole thing was we got the entire zoo to us and our cousins. We had almost the whole family there and it was fun being with everyone!!

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