After 15 minutes I went back in to check on her and she was still balling hysterically. I couldn't figure out what it was all about. Finally I got her calmed down to talk a little. She told me she just missed me so much at school that it was so hard. Then she told me a girl told her that school lasts another 4 months not 4 days. The class was doing a countdown to 100 days of being in school, and ali thought it was a countdown to the end of school. Well once i told her that the girl was right Ali cried harder and didn't want any cuddling with me. I went downstairs and hoped she would fall asleep because she obviously was just TIRED.
It was quiet for about 20 minutes and I thought she fell asleep when I heard little footsteps come down the stairs and Ali handed me this note.
I will translate:
Do not talk to me
Please- Thank You period.
If you want to talk to me then
give me fifteen dollars please
put it in this
I was laughing so hard as she was holding her little brothers old cast for me to deposit 15 dollars to talk to her. I asked her if I didn't have 15 dollars could I still talk to her, and she said NO!! It was pretty funny in the end, but enduring an hour of crying for no reason is one thing I am NEVER going to get used to. I don't remember being as emotional as my little Ali, but I am sure it is teaching me more patience!! Gotta love my little entrepenuer!!
Love it.
HOMESCHOOLING!!!! there is your answer. ha ha ha. SHe is pretty quick to earn money that sly one. Sorry about the drama. Glad to know she is still alive and working. Gotta love those funny moments
LOL!!!! I love how the tears and drama ended with her trying to squeeze out money!!!!! That is so hilarious!! :D
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