Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Break Bowling

To kick off Spring Break for the kids we decided to go do a little Bowling!! I was very nervous about taking Cam because he is a little RUNNER!! I bit the bullet and we all went to have some fun with the cousins. Everyone bowled awesome. We only had Cam drop two balls before his aunt Brooke gave him a good "NO Cam" and he was brought to tears. It actually was great because he mellowed out a little bit. He ended up driving his little cars all over the lane next to us, it was so funny. Ali was quite the bowler and bowled a 135 and beat all of us. She kept getting spares and saying, "Am I winning?" and Aunt Heather just kept reminding her that we are all winners!! Don't worry after it was all done, I let her know she kicked our butts!! It was awesome to see her get so excited at doing something so good! My cute niece Christian loves dressing up and of course had to wear her minnie mouse outfit. She is a little darling- love her!! We had a great time and all the kids had a ton of fun!
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1 comment:

Dawn + Ryan said...

Hooray it looks like you figured out Picasa! Great job. Doesn't it make blogging all the pics you want to soo much easier??!

Kudos to Ali! Seriously, who scores that high? So I was reading your Easter post and shocked that you have a child (meaning Ali) that is how old and you JUST bought Cars, but then I realized that duh, Ali is a girl! I have to say I don't own any princess movies (well I do have Sleeping Beauty but my bro gave it to me for my bday) and you probably own all of those. So it makes sense really. Man how your life as a parent of only one child is different depending on if that child is a boy or girl! Could your kids GET any cuter though??