Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dragons in 3D

This last weekend my Dad invited all the kids to go see "How to tame your Dragon" in 3D. It was so much fun. They gave us all fun glasses, and the movie was fun for the kids. They had a great time.
You can keep your glasses if you want and of course Ali wanted to keep some, just to look like uncle bud!! So Cam loved wearing them around.

I thought maybe Ali wouldn't like it because it was a boy and a bunch of dragons, but she really liked it and was saying she wanted to buy it when it comes out. So it isn't just a boys movie!!!


Krystal said...

Ok everyone is saying that is such a cute movie. I'm thinking I need to take my kids. Your kids look so cute! Glasses and all!!!

Raising Helm said...

Glad that my boys will have permission to see it one day. I know how Ali is, independent for sure. I do love how sweet she is to Cam.