Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"Lets Say a Prayer, Mom"

This morning I was getting Ali ready for school and I told her that I had to take Cam to get his shots. Well Ali is a little girl who definately has seen her fair share of shots, so she instantly got nervous for him. She looked at Cam and said, "Hey little Buzz-a-Boo (she calls him that), are you going to be SO brave today?" It was so cute as he just looked at her. She looked at me and said, "Lets say a prayer Mom." And right there in the bathroom she stopped everything and folded her arms and said the cutest prayer. She asked that Cam could be So brave, and that his shots wouldn't hurt, and he would know that we still love him so much even though he is getting poked. It was so Cute! Especially considering lately we have to beg Ali to say the prayers around our house! She is always looking out for her little "Buzz-a Boo" . He had to get 5 shots and one vaccination orally! YIKES - It was awful!


Raising Helm said...

How sweet is Ali? and I know it is because of her sweet mom. I practically wanted to cry it was so cute esp. since I could picture her doing it. I hope Cam was a brave little man. love ya

Krystal said...

What a sweet little sister/girl she is. Your kids have the biggest eyes. I mean wow, they are beautiful! Also good job on the costume. It looks like you had a really fun Halloween. I bet Ali just loved you playing the part with her. What a good Mom.