Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Worst Punishment Ever!

Ali has declared she is going to be a "Doctor" when she grows up. I think it is pretty funny and so do my sisters because she carries a notebook with her wherever we go. She is always writing little notes, and she won't go anywhere without a notebook. The greatest thing is she really dislikes having HOMEWORK. The biggest conflict at our house right now is getting Ali to do her homework. She spent two years in preschool learning her letters and now she ( i think purposely) "CAN'T DO IT". Fro and I have gotten a little frustrated because she writes her letters pretty good, but when it comes to doing it on her homework she suddenly can't. So yesterday she wouldn't do it and it about maxxed me and Fro out. So we were trying to think of a punishment of some kind that would maybe help coax her into doing it right. I pulled out the old Black Garbage bag my mom used with us (when you go in and take all their toys) - it had a little affect, but after much frustration, i used the "I am going to make you go play at someones house!"
Lets just say that would do nothing for most kids, but Ali it did! She would much rather stay home 365 days of the year, rather than go anywhere- So that was the Threat!
Homework Got done, and that was all that mattered!- If she does go to Med school, it is going to be a LONG road!

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